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Ford Powerstroke 6.7L Tuning Information Commander 2020-2022Updated 3 months ago

To tune your 2020-2021 Ford Powerstroke 6.7L Pickup you need:

If you have a 2022 model you can either run a single tune file (+30HP) or you can source and swap to a  2021 model year ECM to run the SOTF tunes. 

Once you receive your parts you will need to use the Commander to get the ECM, TCM, and Cable serial numbers.  

We need you to email us the following:

Order #:
Vehicle VIN:
Cable Serial #:
ECM Serial* #:
TCM Serial #:
[Only for pre-22 SOTF tunes] Idle choice (stock, rumble, or hiss):

*Reading the ECM through OBD will give a different serial than reading through the ECM, if you supply us the wrong serial number you may waste your credits and will need to purchase 8 more credits.  It is your responsibility to supply the correct serial numbers.

Use the following methods to obtain the ECM serial number:

Obtaining ECM serial numbers:
2020-2021 Ford - Connect directly to the ECM connector, the serial number will always start with "40.
2022 Ford Level 1 (22 ECM only) - Connect to the OBD port, the serial number will start with "37".
2022 Ford (ECM swap only) - Connect to the 21 ECM connector, the serial number will start with "40".

Obtaining TCM serial numbers:
All years: Connect to the OBD port - The serial number will always start with "59"

Email this information in TEXT form to [email protected].  You MUST supply all of the information in one email.

Once we receive all the information above, it will take 3-5 business days to get your tune files created and sent back to you. 

Although we don't need it, you must also perform a read of your ECM before you tune it.  This is so you always have your stock file to go back to, this is the only way for you to go back to stock on your own. 

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